ジミー・ローデス プレーヤーディベロップメントコーチ 加入のお知らせ



川崎ブレイブサンダースでは、2024-25シーズンからジミー・ローデス プレーヤーディベロップメントコーチの加入が決定しましたので、お知らせいたします。



ジミー・ローデス プレーヤーディベロップメントコーチ



2011-2021 Golden State Warriors(NBA)バスケットボールアカデミーキャンプ&クリニックコーチ
2015-2016 San Francisco State University(NCAAディビジョン2)アシスタントコーチ
2016-2021 Get Better Academy(チェコ)リクルーティングディレクター&U19ヘッドコーチ
2021-2022 BK Jindrichuv Hradec Lions(チェコディビジョン1/KNBL)アシスタントコーチ
2022-2024 Ratiopharm Ulm(ドイツ/BBL,Eurocup)ディレクターオブプレーヤーディベロップメント

ローデス プレーヤーディベロップメントコーチからのコメント

Hi Thunders family!!
My name is Jimmy Rhoades.

I have heard nothing but amazing things about Japan as a country and basketball league. A friend of mine told me "Everyone who visits Japan once always goes back again", and I look forward to experience that first hand. As for Kawasaki, I've been told about the cities prime location, and the basketball club's rich culture and history. My wife and I are excited to become a part of it.

I chose Kawasaki because of their unique vision in a quickly expanding Japanese basketball landscape. As teams are investing more into import players, facilities, and big-name Head Coaches coming over from Europe or the USA, it's rare for a club to went to invest in the development of each player on an individual level. Whether players are young up-and-comers or seasoned veterans, everybody can improve at some capacity in both their technical skill-level and their cognitive ability to make quick and correct decisions. I plan on making sure that happens with everyone in the program.

I think my biggest strength as a coach would be my energy and care for the players. I truly want to see every Brave Thunders player become the best version of themselves, and the players I work with learn that quickly. In understanding that, I'm able to coach them very honestly and lovingly because they know its coming from a place of care and respect. No matter what's happening in my personal life, I try to bring the same level of energy and enthusiasm every day, and I hope to instill in players to do the same.

My former club, Ratiopharm Ulm, competed against both Coach Neno (with Prometey) and Coach Amiel (with Bamberg), plus both of them had amazing careers coaching in the Czech Republic where I started my European coaching career. My enthusiasm for the season is joining a work-class organization and getting to focus on what I love to do with a coaching staff I have the utmost respect for. I look forward to working with them and learning.






以前の所属クラブであるRatiopharm Ulmで対戦したコーチNeno(Prometey)やコーチAmiel(Bamberg)は、私がヨーロッパでのコーチのキャリアをスタートさせたチェコで素晴らしい実績を持っています。一流の組織に、そして心から尊敬するコーチングスタッフに加わり、自分がやるべきことに集中したいと考えています。彼らと一緒に働き学ぶこともまた楽しみの一つです。

